Individual Supports

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While YMCA Bundaberg Community Inclusion caters to all types of disabilities, we are also one of the few providers who specialise in assisting those with psychosocial disabilities arising from mental health issues.

We recognise that being as independent as possible with the right level of support is a key to managing mental health and emotional well-being.

High Support

Whilst it is always our goal to support people with a disability to live as independently as possible, in some cases the individual does need constant monitoring for their own safety and well-being.

Examples include: complex bowel care, enteral feeding and management, managing diabetes, complex epilepsy, pressure care & management, mealtime preparation and delivery.

Community Access Support

YMCA of Bundaberg recognises that assisting people with a disability to be part of their community has positive outcomes for both the individuals and the wider community.

Community Access Support can include:

  • Routine outings such as shopping and attending doctor’s appointments
  • Personal development activities such as attending classes and participating in sports or planned activities
  • Leisure and social activities such as attending events or going to the movies

Our level of assistance with community access extends to what the client is comfortable with. YMCA of Bundaberg Community Inclusion Services works with our clients and their family members to determine not only the necessary community access requirements, but also determine what the individual would like to achieve.

We have an excellent team of male and female support workers available throughout weekdays, weekends, mornings and evenings to fit in with your requirements. Our team can help our clients utilise our resources and use their vast experience to enhance their lifestyle and be active in the community.

Community access is available as a stand-alone service, group support or may be part of respite/supported independent living.

In Home Supports

YMCA of Bundaberg understands that for many people with a disability, their home is where they are most comfortable due to familiarity with their environment and are close to loved ones.

If staying in your own home for your support is your preference, we will assist you to do that as much as possible.

Some of the specific ways we can help include:

  • Assistance with basic household chore
  • Help with meal preparation
  • Support when the regular carer is away
  • Assistance with personal care and hygiene
  • Social support and life skills development

Complex Needs

Some people have multiple areas of physical, mental and social well-being that require support.