Supported Independent Living (SIL)
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What is Supported Independent Living?
Supported Independent Living is a way for people living with disabilities to grow and feel like part of their community by helping them to live as independently as possible.
Activities such as cooking a meal or getting themselves ready for the day can have immense benefits for those with a disability in terms of self-worth, pride and a feeling of being part of the community.
Living arrangements can vary according to the needs of the supported person. If they have high care needs, they may live in a home with just their carer. Or, a carer may look after a group of supported individuals who live in a shared home. Individuals are empowered, through the initial recognition of their strengths, to agreed strategies, for each to reach their goals / aspirations. Our support service delivery is underpinned by the NDIS standards, and very much person centred to each individual.
Shared Accommodation
In some circumstances, small groups of people with similar needs and/or of similar age are able to live in shared accommodation with a carer to look after their needs.
Choosing another living arrangement
If you would like to explore your options of transitioning into a different long term living arrangement we can assist you in this process. We can provide additional assistance by building capacity in skills sets to use in a Supported Independent Living arrangement or another specific arrangement you may choose.